Outdoor Events
Dog High Jump
Entry fee: $5
Entry forms: Available on the day Chief Steward: TBA Event begins: 3:00 pm Saturday 12th November 2022 Win at Omeo & go to State Final. Three classes: Small under 50cm, Medium 50cm less than 60cm, Large Over 60cm 1st Prize per class $20 + Ribbon + dog treat 2nd Prize per class $15 + Ribbon + dog treat
Horse Events
Absorb the mountain backdrop to the horse events as they parade around the rings or compete in the jumps. Everyone looks immaculate in their riding attire – young and old as they compete for ribbons and sashes.
Yard Dog Trials
Enjoy the communication between the farmer and their dog as they skilfully move the sheep through the various pens.
Contact Rod Cavill for entry information
Whip Cracking
Have a crack or just watch the skills displayed by kids through to adults. Get those whips out and start cracking.